Safety First Institute

H2S Safety

IOSH stands for the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health. It is a globally recognized professional body based in the United Kingdom which is dedicated to promote and maintain high standards of health and safety in the workplace. IOSH is the largest professional health and safety organization in the world, with a membership of over 47,000 individuals from various industries and sectors.

Who Should Go for IOSH Managing Safely?

The IOSH Managing Safely course is ideal for individuals in managerial or supervisory roles across different industries and responsible for the health and safety of their teams, projects, or departments.

What is the course content?

What is auditing?

Eligible criteria for IOSH Managing Safely course?

There are no specific eligibility criteria to apply for the IOSH. It is open to anyone interested in developing their health and safety management skills. Participants should have a basic understanding of the workplace environment and a willingness to learn and apply health and safety principles.

Is there any Assessment?

Managing Safely is assessed by a 30-question mixed format exam and a short practical assessment (a workplace risk assessment) completed at the end of the course. If you are studying Online your exam is online and the practical assessment is completed at your workplace.

What is the Duration of the course?

Class Based Regular Session of 3 to 5 days (22 Hours class-based session).
Offered via Zoom or google meet session.
Submission of 70% advance fee.

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